• PESTLE Info Sessions and Orientations

PESTLE Info Sessions and Orientations

Orientation Sessions:

Please join us for PESTLE Orientation for Penn Engineering sponsored service events and opportunities.  Learn about the wonderful opportunities we have planned for this year.  Completing the orientation is required prior to participation in Penn Engineering Sponsored activities.  Those who attend the Live Orientations will receive Penn Engineering Swag!


The next online Orientations will be held Friday, October 28th at 4PM.


Click Here to Register for the PESTLE Orientation 


Access the Online PESTLE Orientation on Friday, October 28 @ 4:00 PM via Zoom link here


For students who need clearances:

The virtual Clearances Office Hours are listed below.  Please sign up here by the deadlines indicated below for each session.

  • October 28th, 1:30PM-2:30PM
    1. Sign up deadline October 26, 2022

The sessions will be held online and will last for 45 minutes so student volunteers can work on:

  1. Child Abuse Clearance
  2. Criminal Background Check
  3. Instructions for FBI fingerprinting will be distributed at that time and the closest finger printing site is at 40th & Market